Prevention & Treatment
- Rat Bait Station Installation
One bait station could kill up to 10 rats; depending on the severity of the case, multiple stations will be installed along the perimeter of the premises. - Glue Board
For indoor use, glue boards are advised. - Sealing
Entry points sealing to prevent further infestation.
Malaysian species of the common rat
In Malaysia, there are primarily two types of rats that are problematic. Both residential and commercial properties frequently include Brown Rats (common rats) and Black Rats (sewer rats).
Black Rats
In Malaysia, black rats can be found in various metropolitan settings, including coastal towns. The black rat has a tail that is longer than its head and body and measures between 16 24 cm in length. It grows to weigh between 150 and 200g. They have a slender body, a pointed nose, and big ears.
Black rats have between 3-6 litters per year, averaging 5–10 young per litter. These rats take about three weeks during gestation. From birth, they only need 12 to 16 weeks to reach sexual maturity. They are excellent climbers and highly agile. Fruits that are moist are their favourite food. Black rats will consume about 15g of food and 15ml of liquid each day.
Brown rats
Although brown rats typically prefer to live on the ground and burrow, they occasionally have been observed climbing. The brown rat can grow to be up to 40 cm long, with a tail that is smaller than its head and body. It can weigh anything from 350 to 500g at maturity.
Compared to the Black Rat, it has a blunt nose, short ears, and a thicker body. Rats have 3-6 litters per year, each with 7-8 young. They take about three weeks to pass gestation. The short time from birth to sexual maturity is only 10 to 12 weeks.
Despite being omnivorous, cereals are their preferred food. They will consume about 30g of food and 60ml of liquid daily.
Signs of Rats
Since rats are more active between dark and dawn, it is frequently simpler to identify rat-related problems than actual rodents.
The key warning signals that could point to a rat infestation are listed below so you can quickly learn how to spot them.
Rat Droppings
Rats are typically found in densely populated regions and can leave up to 40 droppings every night. Brown rat excrement is a dark brown, spindle-shaped excrement that is 9 to 14 mm long and tapered. They can have a huge rice grain appearance.
Bite marks
Rats have teeth that are constantly growing. To keep them trim, they must nibble on wood and plastic. Additionally, ripped food packaging may be present since rats gnaw on food and leave apparent tooth marks.
Rub marks
Due to their limited vision, rats follow established paths along skirting boards and walls. They continually brush against things and surfaces, leaving smudges and dark stains from the grease and dirt on their bodies.
Scratching Noises
Black rats, commonly referred to as roof rats, are quick climbers and have no trouble getting into loft spaces and higher floors of structures. They might be present if you hear scratching sounds coming from above at night.
The enormous burrow systems that brown rats dig and excavate for protection, food storage, and nesting are widely recognised. Be on the lookout for burrows in garages, under decks or garden sheds, or in compost piles.
Rat nests
Rats use shredded materials like newspaper and fabrics to construct their nests in warm, concealed locations. Young rats will frequently be seen in nests, which are typically adjacent to a food source. In or near your kitchen, look behind and beneath appliances like refrigerators and freezers.
In dusty, less-trafficked sections of structures, rats create foot and tail prints. If there are footprints on the floor, sprinkle talc or fine flour there to see if an infestation is present. The next day, look for new footprints.